The Coordinating Council of Broward (CCB)

Human Services Delivery Models: An Issues and Options Paper (November 1996)


For the past four years, the Coordinating Council of Broward (CCB) has been playing a central role in providing a forum for on-going human services planning for Broward County in order to more efficiently and effectively meet community needs. The CCB is currently undertaking an initiative to explore human services delivery alternatives suited for Broward County. It is widely acknowledged that, among others, the current delivery system is fragmented with categorical programs and not client-based. In addition, the current system lacks adequate resources and an institutional framework to serve the existing and future needs for human services in Broward County.

During the month of October, 1996, the South Florida Regional Planning Council was contracted by CCB to assist its initiative. This issues and options paper is a component of the contract. The other components include conducting interviews with CCB members, and conducting a facilitated workshop for CCB members on a human services delivery model, scheduled for December 9, 1996.

Scope of Human Services: A General/Working Definition

A more specific definition of the scope of human services will be achieved by the CCB. For the sole purpose of establishing a general context for this paper, human services are defined as including children and family services, education and training, community health services, economic development and employment services, services for the disadvantaged, services for the elderly, community policing and public recreation. The human services delivery system should provide the integral link between people with human service needs and the resource system.

Purpose of the Issue Paper

The purpose of this paper is to provide a basis for the exploration of alternatives for the human services delivery system in Broward County. The focus is on options and choices available. Information regarding alternatives is assembled to help frame the efforts for generating and choosing among alternatives.

Approach of the Issue Paper

In order to provide a basis to explore options, an overview of four modes of human service delivery system is discussed first in Section II below. In discussing these modes of service delivery, literature is reviewed as to the key features, case examples, strengths and limitations. Particular attention has been given to options within a specific mode of service delivery.

After the overview of potential modes of delivery, a summary of the current issues and expectations from CCB members is provided in Section III. The summary is based on the interviews with CCB members conducted during November 1996.

With a general understanding of the potential modes of delivery and the current status of the CCB, a preliminary exploration of options for the CCB is included in Section IV. This preliminary exploration is intended as a lead only toward the CCB workshop on human services delivery model.

For additional information or a copy of the full report, please contact Ping Chang or Richard F. Ogburn at the SFRPC, or The Coordinating Council of Broward.

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This page and all contents prepared by the South Florida Regional Planning Council.
Updated on Feb. 11, 1997